03 Jun Craigmin Bridge: A Highline Traverse for Ivy Removal
A beautiful few days was spent manoeuvring around Craigmin Bridge in the North of Scotland removing ivy. Due to the structure of the bridge and the extent of the ivy, a highline traverse was secured between suitable trees on either side of the bridge which gave us a mobile working position. This method allowed us to move from one side of the bridge to the other and access all areas without anchoring off the structure itself and meant we avoided having to continuously re-anchor our ropes to change position.
This was a great example of the advantages of combing rope techniques and equipment from both tree care and industrial abseiling to create the best system of work for a specific job.
Working on any historic structure is an experience since there is always a story to be told however, this bridge is slightly of an exception as there is very little known about its origins or explanation for its multi-storey architecture although there is rumour that Bonnie Prince Charlie found refuge in the small room on the lower tier….
A cracking wee job made all the more memorable thanks to the sun coming out for its annual visit to Scotland!
- Highland traverse for ivy removal
- Under the arches Craigmin Bridge
- Craigmin Bridge looking up
- Vertical working line on highlne traverse