07 Oct Update from Canopy Researchers in Peru
Marburg University Researchers Send Good News from the Rainforest.
Back in July of this year three female researchers from the University of Marburg undertook the four day Introduction to Tree Climbing for Research course. With little to no prior climbing experience there was a lot to think about, learn and prepare for their 3 month long expedition to the Peruvian rainforest.
So it was wonderful to hear after the first 5 weeks of fieldwork that not only have they developed into a great climbing team but they took the time to build their confidence and are now loving the climbing.
The scientists have been installing camera traps at varying heights within the canopy observing plant visitors at height and collecting pollen samples to investigate whether interactions between plants and animals (i.e. seed dispersal and pollination) differ among the layers in tropical rain forests.
So far the cameras have produced great results and fingers crossed this continues into the fruiting season.
Working at height in remote rainforest locations should not be underestimated and it takes a huge amount of preparation, planning and effort to achieve the desired results. Even with the best preparation things can still go wrong as so much of the environmental factors are out-with anyones control.
With this in mind, a huge congratulations for what has been achieved so far and best wishes for the remaining weeks in the rainforest!